Available Software Versions - Debian 12 (Bookworm)¶
If you plan to upgrade operating system to Debian Bookworm, either of your own accord, or because you were advised to do so by one of our employees, you need you decide which versions of software are you going to use. This article contains a list of software versions available in Debian Bookworm.
The only available version is 2.4. Other versions cannot be installed. Details about incompatible changes are available on the Apache web server website. One of the most common sources of problems is the new access management module. That can be solved by installing mod_access_compat.
- 8.x
By default, we install the latest version available in developer’s official repository. There are no incompatible changes between minor versions.
- 2.6
HAProxy’s configuration is usually compatible even between major versions. In some cases, slight changes are necessary. However, those are done by our administrators as part of the upgrade process. Only in case you provide your custom configuration, you need to update it yourself.
- OpenJDK 17
- OracleJDK - license required!
- 1.4
We recommend to replace this outdated software with Nginx. We do not support Lighttpd on fresh installations.
- 6.x
ManticoreSearch is database for full-text search. It is the successor to SphinxSearch, version SphinxSearch 2 is compatible with ManticoreSearch version 2. When migrating to ManticoreSearch version 3, the index_converter configuration migrator can be used.
- 7.x
- 8.x
MySQL / MariaDb¶
- MariaDB 10.11
- MariaDB 11.4
MariaDB is a fully compatible substitute for MySQL. We recommend version 10.11, but there are some incompatibities with the widely used versions, resp. MySQL 5.x. You should thoroughly test your application on the version before upgrading. Some incompatible changes can be tweaked using SQL_MODE.
- 1.22
We install stable versions only. The mainline versions (odd numbers) are not suitable for use in production environments in our experience.
- 18
- 20
- 22
- 2.6
This version is compatible even with older clients.
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17 - recommended
Upgrades usually go without complications. There are few incompatible changes between versions. If you are using an older version, please check the support policy on the project’s website.
- 8.1
- 8.2
- 8.3 - recommended
You can find the details about versions’ life cycles on the PHP website. To ensure the security of your applications, use only supported versions!
- 3.10
- 7.0
- KeyDB 6.0 - recommended
Redis 4 and higher in cluster mode are incompatible with older clients and applications. If your application requires an older version, you need to stay at your current Debian version.
- -
SphinxSearch 3 changed it's license model and it is not present in this release of Debian. We will communicate any installation requirements individually. SphinxSearch on Debian 12 is not generally supported software.
- 7.1
Varnish configuration is always provided by the customer, because it must be tailored to their application. If the configuration format has changed between versions, you need to send an updated configuration before the upgrade. We install Varnish only in cases, where the application’s performance is unacceptable without it.