CloudDNS management is available in the Client Zone -> Services -> Cloud DNS, or here.
List of your domains will appear here. A new domain can be added via the "add a new one" link.
After entering the domain name (without www), go to DNS records
You can add a new record via the Add DNS record button,
or directly by selecting the DNS record type.
For example, a new A record
After saving the record, it is possible to add another record,
for example CNAME for www:
Records are ready after saving, but are not published automatically. The record will not be distributed on the Internet until it is reviewed and confirmed.
It is possible to adjust the TTL during verification. This record can be modified when publishing or changing any type of DNS record, it is always set globally for all domain records.
Stored DNS records can be copied to the clipboard, deleted, or modified. These options appear when you hover the mouse cursor over the selected DNS record
Deleting a DNS record must also be published. In addition, the change can be reverted
The domain can be deleted via the drop-down menu "More"
The domain will be in the "deleted" state for another 48 hours, during which it can be restored, including all DNS records set when deleting.